The Diocesan Hospitalité of Our Lady of Lourdes is a lay organisation founded over 40 years to promote and support pilgrimages to Lourdes and to foster devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes. It’s membership is made up of people who currently go on pilgrimage to Lourdes, those who used to go to Lourdes but who are now unable to, and may people who because of one reason or another are unable to or have never been to Lourdes but foster devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes.
Anyone can become a member of the Diocesan Hospitalité, which is an organisation of Christians who work together, through Mary to Jesus, to foster a special devotion to Our Lady Lourdes, to be available to provide pastoral care and support to all who need it, especially those in special need, such as the sick, disabled and those who care for them, to provide this care and support to contribute to the Hospitalité’s other aims during the annual Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes, in the preparation for the pilgrimage and throughout the year and to carry out the work of the Hospitalité in the spirit of fellowship, charity, and friendship in keeping with the ministry of the laity in the church.
The Activities of the Hospitalité include prayer and spiritual formation, the annual Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes, preparation and training events for the pilgrimage, social and fundraising events, an Annual Mass and General Meeting and other promotional events.
People are able to join the Hospitalité during the Annual Mass, which is held before the Annual General Meeting.
The Hospitalité operates under the direction of the Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle and the auspices of the Directors of the Diocese.
Further information can be obtained by sending an email via our Contact Us page. In the subject, please choose ‘Hospitalité Enquiries’.
To become a member of the Hospitalité, please read the information below:
Membership runs annually from April to March (financial year). The membership fees, per person, are as follows:
Full rate – £10.00 Reduced rate £5.00 (student, senior citizen)
There are several ways to pay:
1. A cheque made payable to: DHN Lourdes Hospitalite
2. Cash
Please post cheques or cash to our postal address at St. Hilda’s Resource Centre.
3. A Bank Transfer:
Account Name: DHN Lourdes Hospitalite Sort Code: 40-34-18 Account Number: 62411857 Bank: HSBC
Please use your full name as a reference.
4. An annual Standing Order
In all cases, please complete the Membership Application / Renewal Form.
Don’t forget that you can Gift Aid your membership. Please see the declaration form.
Thank you for your support and generosity.