The dress code for the 2020 Hexham and Newcastle Pilgrimage to Lourdes is the same as it has been for the last three years. If you are unfamiliar with it, it is set out here …
Male Helpers:
All male helpers, when “on service” should wear Navy Blue Chinos or Navy Blue long shorts (knee length); white polo shirts. A burgundy neckerchief will be provided. We also recommend that each male helpers has at least one White Shirt and Tie, which may be needed if we are asked to assist with the Processions. This dress code is to be worn throughout each pilgrimage day in Lourdes, even when helpers are not “on shift”.
Female Helpers:
All female helpers, when “on service” should wear a Navy Blue Skirt or Navy Blue long shorts (knee length); white polo shirt. A burgundy Pilgrimage neckerchief will be provided. “Short” shorts and strapless tops are not allowed. This dress code is to be worn throughout each pilgrimage day in Lourdes, even when helpers are not “on shift”.
The Nurses dress code stays the same as previous years and nurses will be advised by the Senior Nurse.
Lourdes Hospitalite Notre Dame de Lourdes recently revised its dress code for all stagiaires working in Lourdes …..
Dress code :
N° 1 Dress : For gentlemen : dark trousers, white or light blue shirt, HNDL tie, navy blue blazer or dark jacket.
For ladies : white lab-coat over dark skirt (no trousers), HNDL belt, (HNDL scarf when available), navy blue « baudrier» (aka « dossard ») or HNDL waistcoat.
N° 2 Dress : For gentlemen :dark trousers, white or navy blue shirt, HNDL tie, HNDL waistcoat or navy blue « baudrier»..
For ladies : identical to n°1 dress.
N° 3 Dress : For gentlemen : long trousers (no shorts or cut-off trousers), smart shirt (no t-shirts or gaudy patterns ), HNDL « baudrier» or high-visibility waistcoat (airport).
For ladies: trousers or skirt, HNDL waistcoat or « baudrier» or high-visibility waistcoat (airport).
– All those in charge of their area of service have a duty to be « impeccable» in N°1 dress
– For men and ladies in service in the Interior Grotto N°1 Dress is compulsory
– Men and ladies in service in the Exterior Grotto, Ceremonies, Plateau Piscines, Accueil Notre-Dame, Accueil Saint Frai must – at the very least – wear N°2 dress.
– Men and women in service at the Station, Airport or inside the Baths may wear N°3 Dress.